Llano Estacado (yawn-oh estacadoh) means “staked plains”. We live in Lubbock, TX which is part of the South Plains.
Lead means “in the front”. We aim to be the best competition quartet (and band once we get some drummers).
Lead is a heavy metal. Pb means pipe band. Pb is the chemical element symbol for lead. We’re dorky scientists, for the most part.
We use Colin Kyo chanters and Husk chanter reeds.
Links to YouTube Videos:
Medley #1 – Castle Dangerous et al (Medley comments can be found here)
Medley #2 – Eric Stein et al
MSR – Gray, MacPherson, & Sleat
Recordings from band practice.
2015 – 08 – 16 (Bryan – Colin Kyo bagpipes, Nick – Naill bagpipes, Patrick – Gellaitry bagpipes)
51st HIghland Division, Flett from Flotta, and Lord Lovat’s Lament – still too many low G strikes to low A in the Lovat ending; too early off the high A in the ending of Flett – resorting back to wrong way of playing – remember to cut the E short
Medley #1 – strathspey idiosyncrasies need polishing; jig and reel playing need to be more free flowing
Medley #2 – still learning this one; don’t forget to hold that low A at the beginning of each phrase in the second part of Cork Hill; rushing in 4th part of High Road to Linton
Glasgow Police Pipers & Troy’s Wedding – 4th part of Troys needs work
Angus MacKinnon & Frank Thompson – BBQ set sounding good; hold first F in 2nd part of Angus